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Aura Intacta


Artists  Adapa

Label  Soundwave

SOUNDWAVE strikes again with the new EP from the master wave desginer ADAPA.
three full shredding tracks to shake the senses and activate the energy,
dive into this psychedelic dimension where the ego falls apart but the aura remains intact...

Written and produced by: Mario Gonzalez
Mastering: Aloom Mastering
Album art: Manu Soundwave

Aura Intacta

SOUNDWAVE strikes again with the new EP from the master wave desginer ADAPA.
three full shredding tracks to shake the senses and activate the energy,
dive into this psychedelic dimension where the ego falls apart but the aura remains intact...

Written and produced by: Mario Gonzalez
Mastering: Aloom Mastering
Album art: Manu Soundwave

1. Aura Distortion
2. Low Vibration
3. Infinite Mutation