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Five Elements


Artists  Dusza

Label  Soundwave

SOUNDWAVE is proud to present the debut EP FIVE ELEMENTS from newcomer Progressive Live Act from México DUSZA.
He gives us a ticket for a voyage into the depths of progressive psy trance with a unique range of psychedelic sounds merging in a perfect combination of elements...

Written and produced by: Ivan Gerardo Rodriguez Raño
Mastering: Dyna Labs
Album art: Manu Soundwave

Five Elements

SOUNDWAVE is proud to present the debut EP FIVE ELEMENTS from newcomer Progressive Live Act from México DUSZA.
He gives us a ticket for a voyage into the depths of progressive psy trance with a unique range of psychedelic sounds merging in a perfect combination of elements...

Written and produced by: Ivan Gerardo Rodriguez Raño
Mastering: Dyna Labs
Album art: Manu Soundwave

1. Five Elements
2. Human Planet
3. The Darkness Experience