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Lightyear Is Everywhere


Artists  Various Artists

Label  Soundwave


What is this you ask? It is the first compilation from DJ Uncle Buzz, who aims to share his psychedelic universe since he discovered psytrance in 2015.
This music has never left him and punctuates every day of his life.
This compilation was produced with care and passion to offer you a cutting-edge psychedelic alternative.
To infinity and beyond!, that is the motto, so let's hope that the orbit reaches the entire Space Ranger fleet.

Compiled by DJ Unkle Buzz...

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Lightyear Is Everywhere


What is this you ask? It is the first compilation from DJ Uncle Buzz, who aims to share his psychedelic universe since he discovered psytrance in 2015.
This music has never left him and punctuates every day of his life.
This compilation was produced with care and passion to offer you a cutting-edge psychedelic alternative.
To infinity and beyond!, that is the motto, so let's hope that the orbit reaches the entire Space Ranger fleet.

Compiled by DJ Unkle Buzz
Mastering: MadCap Mastering
Album art: Baakka Design

1. Dark Hall
2. Blast It
3. Wider
5. Friday
6. Mental Divergence
7. Light Show
8. Wolfenstein
9. Distorted Vibration
10. Groove Therapy